Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Week @ SMA

I started my first week with Show Me Arizona, a destination management company. The great thing about this internship is each individual here is taking the time out to get to know me and teach me. As opposed to just telling me what to do. Within the first week I was able to learn so much about the company itself and what a DMC is all about.

In my first week I learned the basics of answering the phone, faxing, stamping, and invoicing. Once the basic were understood I got right into the groove of things.

So far, my transitions into SMA has been interesting. Unfortunately, things are a little slow in the summer because how many people really want to go AZ in the middle of the summer!? So I've been working on a few things here and there for 2010. Its hard right now for corporate buisness to send clients out on incentive trips because of the "economy situation". Personally, I was hoping for more to do but since its out of season I will get to just learn about what to do more than actually be able carry some of the stuff out.

By the end of my internship I hope to have a better understanding for DMC and see if this is the type of buissness I want to continue in.